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asked by (6.1k points)

1 Answer

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If you have installed drupal by using fantastico and if you want to access your drupal site with the tempoary URL like http://serveripaddress/~username  then

follow the steps

1] Change the “$base_url = ” in /public_html/sites/default/settings.php to your temporary URL WITHOUT A TRAILING SLASH!!!!

for example:
$base_url = ‘’;

now the site should work, but on certain links on the site, the browser will error out with a bad redirect and the URL in the browser.

so to correct this…

2] Uncomment the “RewriteBase /”  line in /public_html/.htaccess and change it from:

#RewriteBase /
RewriteBase /~username

for example:
RewriteBase /~test

and now you should be able to set up and test the website you created in Drupal. Once you are finished and have tested everything successfully.

Done ….
answered by (6.1k points)