*SiteLock performs a Deep 360 Scan that encompasses: Reputation monitoring: ensures the reputation of the website is intact and communication to visitors and customers is uninterrupted.
*Malware blacklist: monitors search engine and proprietary malware lists to make sure the site is not blocked by search engines and browsers.
*Spam blacklist: ensures that e-mails reach customers' inbox (not their Spam folder), SiteLock verifies e-mail addresses, domains, and email servers against lists used by popular email tools to identify spam.
*SSL Verification: ensures users do not see a certificate warning or error when visiting your site.
*Network security: validates the security of the network by making sure there is no opportunity for hackers to access the server.
*Drive-by-downloads: scans the website to ensure visitors are not being infected with viruses often placed on websites by hackers.
*Customer data protection (SQL & XSS): performs forward- and backward-looking scans to make sure current and future visitor/customer data on the site is secure.
*Application security: verifies that any 3rd-party applications installed on your website are secure and up-to-date.
*Business Verification: certifies the validity of the business and provides a certification badge to display to website visitors to let them know the business or website is legitimate.
*Domain ownership: ensures that the domain owner is in control of the website domain.
*Postal Address: verifies that the site owner can receive and respond to postal mail, such as customer payments or inquiries.
*Phone Verification: ensures that there is a phone number where customers can report issues or request additional products or services.